Returns the appointment with the DJ ARCH NIGHT: Architects at the decks


We will wait for you next Wednesday 18th of September in the evening in our show-room in Jannelli&Volpi building in 7 Melzo street in Milan, Porta Venezia district, to listen to the playlists of 4 architectural firms (AMA – ALBERA MONTI & ASSOCIATI, D2U – Design to Users, e45, Metrogramma) that will alternate at the decks during the DJ Arch Night, 2019 edition.

It’s a well-known appointment that in Milan, in just one night, involves 12 design show-rooms as well as 50 architectural firms.

It’s a different way to welcome and strengthen the relations with architects.

DJ ARCH night is a free and open to the public event. To enter it is necessary to register on website by filling in the ad hoc blank that you can download by clicking on the section dedicated to the event.